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  • On site inauguration
    02 July '24

    Construction of the world-unique research reactor MYRRHA has started

    CLICK HERE to see the aftermovie of the event

    MYRRHA | MINERVA Groundbreaking Ceremony

    Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten opens the construction site in Mol

    MOL, 25 JUNE - After the first ideas about MYRRHA 25 years ago and the government decision in 2018 to start construction in phases, a new milestone follows today: the laying of the foundation stone of MINERVA, the first phase of the research reactor powered by a particle accelerator. In doing so, Myrrha, in collaboration with the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN), led by reactor physicist Hamid Aït Abderrahim, is opening the door to pioneering applications: better cancer treatments, fundamental physics, research for fusion materials, accelerator technology and optimal processing of radioactive nuclear waste. Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten gave the kick-off on Tuesday morning at MINERVA's construction site in Mol, and fashion designer Flora Miranda presented 'Spectralisation', a textile artwork inspired by MYRRHA.

  • MYRRHA stage-1 pre-series cavities
    21 February '24

    11 MV/m : check!

    Major milestone for superconducting cavity of the MYRRHA accelerator!

    The superconducting single-spoke cavities are the key components of the MINERVA high power proton linear accelerator. Operating at -271.15°C (just 2 Celsius above absolute zero temperature), 60 of them will boost the beam energy from 16.6 MeV (the output energy of the normal conducting injector) to 100 MeV.

  • 2023-Colloquiem
    01 June '23

    Colloquiem - Nuclear waste: incineration and transmutation

    Very pleased to have contributed to the ACS colloquiem on 25 May 2023. In Luxemburg, Hamid Aït Abderrahim (MYRRHA ivzw), Adrian Fabich (SCK CEN) and Peter Baeten (SCK CEN) took the floor, together with: The Presidency of the Senate, Mrs Marion Dupuis, Gérard Longuet, Mrs Sabrina Mantega, Mrs Nicole Pererathe, Roger Garbil, Vincent Charlet, Luc Gaffet, Bernard Salha, Hervé Maillart, Robert Pays, Bertrand Morel, Vesseron Philippe, Dominique Vignon, Jean-Pol Poncelet, Peter Baeten, Fanny Farget, Guy Wormser, Jean-Luc Alexandre, Stefano Buono, Valerie Faudon and Franklin Servan-Schreiber.